Thursday, December 7, 2006

Voyeurism and the spiritual life

I think I begin to understand this infatuation with serial commercial satsang.

It is symptomatic of modern life. We watch celebrity chefs prepare exotic food dishes on television with little or no attempt to learn how to prepare the dishes ourselves. Voyeurism suffices. It is the same with programmes on dog training, weight loss, DIY. We are happy to watch but make little or no serious attempt to practice.

It is the same with satsang. We pay our money at the door, sit and watch for a couple of hours, perhaps doze, and then depart feeling good about ourselves. If the satsang provider tells us we don't have to do anything that is all the better. The guilt just falls away to be replaced by the warm glow of complacency. Idea-"I" is caressed and reinforced. Job done and you leave the venue with resonant goodbyes and promises that you'll see everyone next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what was the problem? LOL