Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Nisargadatta shock news

it's bad news. some dude called michael james has let the coon out of the bag. my man Nisargadatta's ideas in english are "confusing and questionable". what! is it for real? it sure is. this dude can tell without speaking Nisargadatta's mother-tongue. he's so clued up he can just "glance" at the english and say it's wrong. that's a neat trick. siddhis! has to be. siddhis! he's a big siddhi!
thanks to bob over at acalayoga blog for the link.


Anonymous said...

shockeroony. can this be backed up by said dude, vin?

Anonymous said...


One man's "confusing and questionable" is another one's succinct and to the point.

Who cares!?!